Monday, January 21, 2008

Who Killed the Electric Car?

Who Killed the Electric Car?

Director:Chris Paine

Writer:Chris Paine

Review: A documentary about the small amount of electric cars that came out in the late 90's and early 2000's. The documentary is very informative and well thought out. I liked how the facts were presented and also how they were able to get on film car manufactures representatives contradicting themselves and trying to misinform the public about the cars. the film goes into details about certain aspects as to why the electric car failed and how not all of the information being presented was accurate or how the ad campaigns were designed to make the consumer feel disconnected from the new technology.

It is obvious the documentary was shot over years of trying to fight the car manufactures to keep the cars on the road. Which as we all know did not work, thanks to several misdeeds of the government, government officials, oil companies, consumers, and car manufactures. If you have not seen this documentary I suggest you do. It is an eye opener and it is sad to think we had the answer to our gas problem so long ago and no one bothered to look or we were persuaded not to look by the government, oil companies and car manufactures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they did a great job with that documentary, yay for progress!

Some similarities between the oil industry and the tobacco industry: They both exploit people's addictions (nicotine in tobacco, the convenience of gas). Also, both industries have stifled better alternatives (not smoking is healthier than smoking, not using gas pollutes less). People have successfully resisted tobacco companies...