Monday, October 29, 2007


"That room is fucking evil."


John Cusack
Samuel L. Jackson
Mary McCormack
Tony Shalhoub

I missed this one in the theaters meant to see, I am glad I waited for DVD. Like most Stephen King stories turned into movies it always lacks a certain plot point or feel. Like it's unfinished or something is left out.

The basic story, Mike Enslin (Cusack) is a struggling author who goes around the country debunking haunted hotels. Enslin's life hasn't turned out the way he likes, his young daughter dies of an unexplained illness, his career is a joke, and he is estranged from his wife. His life experiences have left him a faithless, sarcastic, alcoholic.

Enslin receives an intriguing post card simple telling him not to check out room 1408 at the Dolphin Hotel. Surprisingly enough (note the sarcasm) after much warning and resistance from the hotel management Enslin ends up at the hotel in room 1408. Before Enslin is finally given permission to be in the room he is told of the horrors that have transpired in the room, ranging from suicides, murder, to natural deaths. The claim is no one last more than an hour in the room.

The room visit starts off normal and pretty much turns into an acid trip. The effects are good and the illusions the room plays do give it a good story line and merit. However, the over use of plot twist hamper the movie leaves it lagging in some parts. By the last 15 minutes of the movie I just wanted it to end; I stopped caring if he got out alive or the reason the room has the energy it does, which I don't think is really explained. Even the alternate endings found on the special features leave much to be desired. It started out a good movie, I think some where rest of it got left on the editing room floor.

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